As part of any divorce or separation there is a need to agree how financial assets are shared. A FIAM helps with this by initially carrying out and assessment of the assets and then providing both a verbal and written analysis for all parties.
The FIAM provides an overview of the assets that are held, the true value of these, the options available and also advises of where further investigation is required.
This website contains further details on FIAMs to support individuals and professionals.
Accurate financial disclosure is essential for meaningful negotiations. The FIAM would provide this disclosure and also highlight areas where additional investigation is required.
The FIAM provides you with the information you need to advise your clients.
For additional information click the button below.
If clients have approached you directly it may be that financial disclosure needs to be tidied up and verified. A FIAM can assist with this verification.
The FIAM will provide a realistic value of assets together with an overview of the options available with regard to that asset.
This will assist you with the information you need to represent your client.
For more information click the button below.
At a difficult time it is not easy to obtain clarity. A FIAM will provide you (and your ex-partner) with clarity regarding the financial assets you own.
The FIAM will give a clear summary of the assets you have, suggest areas where further investigation is required and also give details of the options available.
For more information click the button below.